Tuesday 29 April 2008

Gnarls Barkley's latest crazy idea

Gnarls Barkley's latest crazy idea

Sometimes it's difficult to check when an artist's craziness is legitimate, and when it's feigned. Gnarls Alben William Barkley have always leaned a little crooked. There's their bunk name, their baffling fashion sense (bear suits? Headliner Wars characters? superhero outfits?), and of course a little song by the nominate of Looney. Just Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse's stick out english hawthorn at last have bested itself, stretch a nadir of what the net would call OMGWTFBBQ.

Because their freshly album, The Odd Couple, is like a shot available online as a unblock download.Already you're yawning. A disengage download? Everyone does that present! Also, The Odd Twosome leaked to the mesh weeks ago, and you ass already buy it in shops, or on iTunes, and on and on...Simply here's the peculiar spot. The unblock download? It's backwards. Backward as in sdrawkcab. As in reversed. Visit fronttobackbacktofront.comhere, feed in approximately demographic information, and in moments you will be downloading a 38-minute MP3 with entirely of The Odd Couple's catchy alt-funk transformed into incomprehensible, almost-unlistenable bafflegab.Of trend, you could but download a copy of the freeware version of Temerity by clicking here and cutely use the reverse use to transform that gobbledegook into preferably more listenable menu. And candidly, we suggest you do simply that.We're not quite for sure why Gnarls Alben Barkley came up with this idea, simply it reminds us of Fauna Collective's Avey Lolium temulentum and Kria Brekkan conclusion to liberation their Pullhair Rubeye record album, a tranquillity, weird ethnic music record, only in backwards form. Peradventure they wanted people to interrogative what "medicine" truly is, to explore the concepts of expected value and artistic production. Mayhap. Only we think most of their fans will have listened, and then taken their stereos in to the shop to get them repaired.Perchance Danger Black eye and Cee-Lo were among those tricked by the Fauna Collective side-project, and this is their agency of having their retaliation. Or maybe their marketing team has been tripping on acid for the past deuce weeks. Sometimes it's captain Hicks of one, sestet of the other.